July 2018

Dear Friends:

High School Graduation! You may remember that 4 years ago, we felt the Lord was putting it on our hearts to see if we could get a free public high school in Palomas. Eunice Herrera was especially attentive to the Lord on this, and she arranged a meeting in Chihuahua where she and I met the lady from the public education system who could start it all. She promised us that she would do it, all she needed was the Mayor’s approval, which she thought would be easy. Fast forward a few months, and we learned there was huge opposition to this in the Mayor’s office because many on his team were teachers at the Private high school in Palomas. I was actually threatened with arrest in the midst of this. Fast forward a few more months, and through the prayers of the Saints, the Mayor had a big change of heart, despite opposition from his team.  He started backing the school!

While our danger is nothing like the dangers Paul faced, we can be encouraged by his response!

2 Cor 1:9-11 But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us. 11 as you help us by your prayers.

If you don’t think your prayers help, think again! They are very important in all that we do! Who knows how many dangers might have harmed this ministry BUT FOR YOUR PRAYERS?!

So, 3 years ago, the school started, and now we have our first girls from Casa graduating from there! What an awesome accomplishment!

We have been able to get all of them Mexican Passports, and now we are waiting to see what God does next in their lives!

It has been an amazing thing to us as we learn more and more about the psychology of orphans. Imagine if you were suddenly picked up by a state agency when you were a little girl. How scary and traumatic! Then, you are placed in an institution with anywhere from 50 to 200 other kids. You are treated more as a member of a school class than as a family member. And, you are told, when you are 18, then you will be released, and FINALLY you will have your freedom and your opportunity to live life the way YOU want. So what happens? You never really learn the responsibilities that are associated with the freedom that comes at age 18. You are not ready to be responsible for your actions.  All you see is your freedom coming up!

What we have found, is that almost all of our girls, upon reaching age 18, simply cannot handle the freedom and responsibility. So, they immediately begin making bad choices, often choices that will harm them or make life more difficult for many years to come–choices about not continuing education. Choices about their relationships with boys. Choices about following the attractions of the world!

In Hebrews 11: 25, we are told that sin is pleasurable for a season, and James 1:14 tells us that we are often tempted when we are lured and enticed by our own desire, and Ephesians 2:1-3 tells us that when we follow the course of the world, we are dead in our trespasses. And so, all of these challenges hit them full force when they turn 18 and they are suddenly free. Then, they will spend the next weeks or months, or years, learning the reality of reaping what you sow and the harm that you can cause to yourself in just a very short time.

So, please keep these 4 girls, and indeed all of our girls in your prayers! It is so hard to keep them on the right path!

Report on this last month. Ana continues to undergo testing for a kidney transplant. Her kidneys are still not functioning. Please keep her in your prayers! Let’s believe for a miracle! Gracie has just undergone blood therapy to add red blood cells, which she desperately needs to stay healthy. One of the effects of hepatitis C is the destruction of red blood cells. Wonderfully, and amazingly, they have determined the particular strain she has, and they have a treatment available for her that is effective 90% of the time! The cost  of  this  treatment  is  about $3,600 which is phenomenal, as the cost of the same treatment in the US would be closer to $75,000! We are praying for her finances, and if any of you feel led to help , please do so! As you may have guessed, we are having a lot of problems with girls at Casa right now doing crazy things, and we really need your prayers to help get them back on the God-path.

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This month we will have our annual day long retreat at the swimming pool park in Ascension. All of the students who are 12 or older and their families are invited to attend. As school has just ended it is a fun way to start the summer. They will be transported to the pool, eat breakfast, and then have a devotional. They will have times of team games and free time in the pool. Lunch will be served and then more pool time and then we will finish with a worship and teaching session. It will be a fun time for all. This year we have encouraged parents to come and enjoy the break from daily routine

July is crunch month for Alas de Amor!  Pat has sent out notices to all of you who sponsored students last year with a form to fill out and return.  She even included a self addressed stamped envelope for your convenience.  Many have responded but many have not. Would you please send in the form if you haven’t.  We have 34 new students who are in need of sponsors and we need to assure that those who have had sponsors in the past will be able to continue in the program. We  hope you will consider sponsoring your student again.

For those of you who do not yet have a student to sponsor, we have students in all grade levels that are in need of a sponsor.  Sponsor levels are High School, $450, Secondary $350 and Elementary $250 for the year. Your sponsorship provides: registration fees, PE uniform, dress uniform, shoes, back pack, supplies. It also provides for the cost of our monthly meetings where we have a youth group from one of the churches in the area, (Cd Juarez, Ascension) minister to them with teaching and games. Each student must get a signed form from his/her Pastor and teacher for us to review each month. They are also required to write a letter to you (the sponsor) We have those letters translated for you if necessary.

Payment can be by check, or cash or credit card. You can pay all, part or monthly! We have included the form for you to fill and mail in for your convenience in the envelope also inclosed. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILDS LIFE!!

We started the Alas program in the 2011-2112 school year! We have gone from about 30 students to 150! There is a huge need and we are excited to continue on for another year. You will make the difference as to whether many of these children will be able to attend school! We hope you will join us.



Bere, Jim and Pat