November 2021

Dear Friends:

Pat and I and our daughter Britany were recently blessed to be able to take a long-awaited trip to Italy. The main theme that kept knocking on my thoughts was the tremendous history of that part of the world. In Italy, we saw marble busts of Nero and and Agrippa, both of whom are mentioned in the New Testament. Nero (AD 37-68) was the Roman emperor to whom Paul appealed upon return to Jerusalem after his third missionary journey, and it is commonly held that he had both Paul and Peter put to death in Rome. He is also known for his horrible murder of many Christians. Herod Agrippa was the king of Judah during much of the same time. He persecuted Jews, imprisoned Peter, and executed James, son of Zebedee.

It is one thing to read about them in the Bible, and it is another to come “face to face” with their sculptures. For me, it was a time of reflection. Both of these very powerful men did many evil things against Christians and Jews. Yet, looking at their busts, they looked like normal, even good-looking, young men. We are reminded in the Bible that we should never judge a person by outward appearances. Samuel initially judged David’s older brother based upon his outward appearances and concluded that he was surely leadership material. But God rebuked him, 1 Sam 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance , but the LORD looks at the heart." In Corinth, many people thought Paul looked weak and powerless and they did not consider him leadership material. Paul rebuked them: 2 Cor 10:7 The trouble with you is that you look at me and I seem weak and powerless, but you don't look beneath the surface. Yet if anyone can claim the power and authority of Christ, I certainly can.

It is important for us to look at a person’s actions, not their outward appearance. It is important for us to remember that God will look at our actions when we face Him at the Judgment seat, not our appearances. Yet, this world teaches kids, in particular, that everything is based on how you look! Kids ridicule other kids based on how they dress or their mannerisms, or how they look. Likewise, they admire the “beautiful” people. If there is anything we need to constantly fight against with this younger generation, it is this lie of the enemy that causes so many young people to make looks and approval by their peers as their highest priority.

The second major impression I had was “so many people throughout history!” Literally, since Adam and Eve, many have calculated that as many as 107 billion people may have lived. That is a lot of people! They say that there are about 7 billion people alive on the earth today. In Europe, you are surrounded by a feeling of that history, with buildings and art that can often be 2000 years old! It is easy to begin to ask, “how significant am I amongst 107 billion people? What do I really have to contribute to a history and to numbers so great! It is good to keep in mind that Genesis 1:27 informs us that we are all made in God’s image. His image is stamped on us! Psalm 139:13-15 reminds us "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth." We are reminded that Jesus died for each of us, and that he was resurrected for each of us! God is so huge that he can keep track of 107 billion people, each one being unique and each one able to have a unique impact on our world.

We should never lose heart or think of ourselves as valueless in the grand scheme of things. For if God created us, then we have value and purpose for Him! If God created us, and if He is for us, then the destructive powers of hell cannot destroy us! Rom 8:31-34 If God is for us , who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all — how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died — more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Out of the 107 billion people who have ever lived, Jesus is interceding for you and for me! He is interceding for our young people! Are we important to God? We can count on it! Do we have a contribution to make to this world? We can count on it, because He has made us!

I find that our girls at Casa universally suffer from a lack of self-esteem. Many people do. It is easy to do when you feel like someone has abandoned you. It is easy to do when you forget who you are to God! It is easy to do when others put you down, or seek to harm you, or simply ignore you. It is interesting how we (they) can be praising God and feeling the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us when in church or when in praise, and how quickly we (they) can completely forget that when we step out of our safety zone and into the “world.” This is why Paul encourages us to put on the “whole armor of God” in Ephesians 6. Remembering who we are in Him on all occasions makes all the difference!

Have you been abandoned, abused, beaten up by this world and yet found your strength restored in the Lord? Our kids at Casa and in our Alas program need to hear your story! Every month we have our kids write letters to their sponsors, and I love it when the sponsors write back, encouraging the kids with their own success stories! There is so much we can do to encourage the down-trodden and those feeling abandoned. I pray the Lord will give us all greater sensitivity to respond when we see people who need encouragement in the Him! I pray that your story will have a positive impact on others when they see God’s hand at work in your life!

We are seeking to raise an additional $2,000 per month in support to expand the orphanage to take in more girls. If you can help with that, please let us know! We will be in Palomas encouraging the kids and their families this coming week-end, November 13 . If you have the opportunity, please join us! Give me or Pat a call. 505.670.5659.

Jim and Pat

Hello, Alas family.

We are so glad to bring you the latest news of our wonderful ministry. This month’s gathering was a blessed one, as we had a much larger number of students attending than usual. We are praying that attendance on our monthly gatherings keeps improving. We have seen that the students and their families are more motivated, and students are more attentive to their school responsibilities. As a team, we are always finding the best way to share a word with them that will inspire them to do and be better in their daily lives. Just as any of us, they have the ups and downs and with that in mind we strive to bring hope and a reason to keep working hard amidst all the chaos surrounding us. Each of our families received a pantry kit to take home.

With Christmas around the corner, we are also preparing for our annual Alas de Amor Christmas celebration. We took pictures of our students, as well as pictures of all their siblings. We like to take these photos to give to their families, as well as send a copy to their sponsors. Additionally, as we do every year, we like to extend the opportunity to our sponsors and others to buy a gift for their students. Any gift that a student or one of their siblings receives from a sponsor is a truly special gift, no matter how big or small. If you are interested in giving a gift to a child this December, please get in contact with Berenice and Pat to find out how to send a gift. If you do not have the time to shop for a gift but still would like to contribute to the gift drive, we also accept cash donations and we will be sure to purchase a gift on your behalf.

We want to take this time to thank each and every one of our sponsors. Alas has and will continue to grow strong because of people like you that choose to help others in need. We simply cannot express how grateful we are that you choose to give out of the kindness of your heart. God uses all of you to show His love to the children of Palomas. You are all part of a living and powerful ministry that continues to change lives and gives lives to Christ.

With that, we sign off for this month. We hope that you spend the coming holidays with your loved ones, and that you keep us and our Palomas families in your prayers. May God bless each and every one of you.
