November 2022

Dear Friends:

Wow! Have you ever thought you had things figured out for your future, for your ministry, for how to move forward with things, and suddenly it all changed? Of course, we often feel that we see what God is doing in our lives and how we are to move forward in that. For us at Casa, during the Covid crisis, which is only now finally coming to an end in Mexico, we saw many of our girls in Casa turn 18 and go out to start an independent life. Some are in different areas of Chihuahua going to school or working, some have married and have children, and 2 of them are in Texas going to college! During all of this time, we got no new girls at Casa to replace the ones who left. At the same time, our student scholarship program, Alas de Amor, has flourished. We have over 130 students in our program this year, as we do things to support them and their families so that they can go to school and look forward to a bright future. It seemed that God was saying that the orphanage part of our program was going to slowly close as girls grow up, and without replacements. That has been good, since the donations to the orphanage part of the ministry have also dwindled to only 1⁄2 of what they were.

But guess what? God still wants us to minister to more teenage orphan girls! Last week, a team of “inspectors” showed up from DIF to see how the orphanage was doing? It was their first visit in like 2 years. They were “surprised” to find out that we were almost out of girls at Casa. They informed Ana, our house Director, that they were going to meet and plan to bring us a group of girls in December! We had to tell them that we could not be ready that quickly, because there is so much to do to get the Orphanage fully functioning again. We have to hire staff, we have to take care of needed repairs, we need to get some new computers for their school work, and we have to talk to you, our sponsors, and see if we can bring our donation levels back up to what is needed to provide an orphanage for 12 girls! And, we need more volunteers to come and minister to the girls! Do you have a part in this? We hope so!

We are also going to need about an extra $3,000 per month to pay for the increase in staff, utilities, food, clothing, and all of the things needed to have the ministry fully functional. Would you like to help sponsor an orphan? It costs us about $500 per month to care for each orphan, and so we need to look for sponsors! If you would be willing to help sponsor a girl, please let me or Pat know! (505) 670-5659 or (505)690-8302. If we don’t answer, leave a message and we will call you back!

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Isa 43:19

How many times has God started a new work in your life? Every time He does, blessings follow for those who step into his “new” plans! As I see it, God is not finished ministering to orphans in Chihuahua, Mexico. Here in Mexico, over 90% of the people are “peones”—the uneducated poor with no economic future. Their future consists of working in factory lines making parts for autos and machines purchased in the US. Or, they work in fields, picking crops. Or, they get a job in some business making a very low income. These people never have the money to buy a house or a car, or any opportunity to save for their future. All they earn goes into living for today. This is why so many get sucked into the drug cartels and the “coyote” trade. Orphans, especially orphan girls, are at the very bottom of this society. They have no family support, they are considered “second-class” because they are girls, and guys are always there to take advantage of them, get them pregnant, and then leave them. It is an extremely hard life. The glitter of the world attracts, then crushes. It is so sad to see destitute young girls in Mexico scraping by any way they can, often being mistreated and abused.

But, orphans are God’s Special charge! Ps 68:5-6

5 Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in his holy house. 6 God makes homes for the homeless. MS

God want to use us to show that He is there for them! And, as God’s family, we are there beyond age 18, helping them to get training, an education, and often just being there to pray for them and help through difficult situations. Perhaps God is calling you to help Him in parenting these girls!

On January 13-15, we will have a “spruce up week-end”, when hopefully we can get a group of volunteers to come to Palomas with us and “spruce up” Casa in preparation for receiving our new girls! Also, in January, we start our “college-prep”program to encourage the high school seniors to start planning for college—where they will attend, living arrangements, taking the admission tests, costs of school, and generally getting ready for the next phase of their lives. We will also be trying to figure out how to provide the needed scholarships for them. It is a busy year ahead, but first, we will be holding our annual Christmas party for all of our program participants and their families! We will have preaching, food, fun & games, and your donated Christmas presents will be given out! It is an exciting week-end! It will be December 10, if you would like to come, and perhaps help out! We do have a number of people who are planning to come and help!

We are continuing to teach our students about being overcomers, “Vencedores”, which is our theme for this school year!

Rom 8:37-39

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Please pray for our volunteers as they share this powerful message of the transformed life that can have a huge impact on our students’ lives, and let’s pray that the message will be received and taken to heart! Also, we really need your prayers for young people in general in Mexico: The drug cartels have started fighting again here in northern Mexico, and last month over 40 young people just “disappeared” in this small town of abourt 4,000. Those who disappeared were trying to support themselves through cartel work. God and Education really are the keys to helping these young people escape the destruction of the world that is ruining so many!

Somos Vencadores!

Jim and Pat

It is with great joy that we continue with the 2022-2023 academic year rhythm! Just like every month, we gathered with our team of volunteers, with all the scholarship students and their families. Last month we shared with them a topic that can help us become a more conscious. We are often too occupied with the day-to-day responsibilities and stress that life brings. At times we are so caught up with the stressors of life that we don’t take the time to be grateful. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” If we took a moment to reflect on what has crossed through our minds today, it would be fair to say that the greater percentage of our thoughts go to preoccupations, stress, and other overwhelming feelings. These verses emphasize how to be mindful in our daily lives. If you take a moment to read it again, is there something that you are doing already or something that you want to start doing?

With this month’s topic in mind, we can share some of the things that we are incredibly grateful for! We were very happy to provide all students with their school dress, sports uniforms, and shoes. We also made all the necessary payments for each of our students' tuition. Coming up is our Christmas celebration and we are starting with all the preparations. First, we took pictures of all our students and their siblings of ages 12 and under. We will be sending these pictures to all sponsors and if you can send them Christmas gift it will be a blessing for them. Please remember that Christmas gifts are completely optional. We truly appreciate your consideration and support on our upcoming celebration.

We believe that this program is special because we have seen God’s and your support through the years. Alas is focused in helping build the next generation of this small town of Palomas. The Alas team is always wanting to do the best to keep this ministry active and effective. We would like your prayer support for God to supply us with more volunteers that can commit to coming to Palomas every month.
