January 2024

Dear Friends:

Our annual Christmas Fiesta was a big success this year, with all of the churches participating in some way through a drama presentation, a skit, a song, or preparing the food. We spent time in worship, playing games, eating menudo and hot dogs, and at the end, passing out presents that you sponsors prepared for your students. It was a fun and busy day! Thankfully, we had many volunteers to help make sure it all went smoothly!

The elementary and middle school students, as well as the college students, are headed back to school now. For some inexplicable reason I have never understood, the high school students don’t return to school until February.

We will continue with our theme for this school year in January, “Descubriendo me proposito” (Discovering my purpose). This month, we will be talking about hearing from the Holy Spirit in making life decisions.

In Acts 13:1-3, we read: Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch of Syria were Barnabas, Simeon (called "the black man" ), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the childhood companion of King Herod Antipas ), and Saul. 2 One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work I have for them." 3 So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way. NLT

How did Paul and Barnabus know what God wanted them to do? They prayed and fasted. The spent time in worship. When you do those things you have a greater sense of God touching your life. And in the midst of their worship, prayer,and fasting, someone spoke up under the power of the Holy Spirit. They got direction from God—They were to go be missionaries.

God can speak to you in the same way. You are uniquely made by God to fulfill certain purposes He has for you on this earth. If you will seek God in worship, prayer, and fasting, He will speak to you. He will show you what you should do in various situations. You will begin to recognize His leading in your life. And as you begin to do those things, you will be filled with joy and peace, knowing you are involved in the important mission God has for your life.

Worship, prayer and fasting are positioning yourself to be linked into the Holy Spirit. Have you ever tried to adjust a tv antenna in order to get the best reception? This is a lot like what we must do to hear the Holy Spirit. We must be careful, because the business of life can totally distract us from the signals the Holy Spirit is sending us, and make the picture on our Holy Spirit tv fuzzy, or we can lose the signal entirely.

When we think about how this affected Paul, we truly see the Holy Spirit at work. Much of the rest of the book of Acts is about his missionary journeys, and we can be thankful God sent him to spread the Good News. And we can be thankful for the many people God has sent out on a life purpose ever since! God does have life purposes for all of us, so let’s keep those tv antennas tuned in!

If you are in Santa Fe, The Light at Mission Viejo will be offering a time of fasting, prayer, and worship for three nights beginning this coming Monday evening, Jan. 8-10. If you can, come and join and perhaps God will give you greater clarity about His calling upon your life!

Our monthly trip to Palomas is Jan. 12-13. If you would like to come, please contact Emiliano or me and we can explain details about the van going down and returning from The Light.

The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.

Jim and Pat